EMS-yhteensopiva – E1-kärki
Kysy tuotteestaJuurihoito
120°angle holder for U files with a shank diameter of 0.57mm, this tip is usually used for anterior root canal cleaning.
Tutustu myös
Hammaskiven poisto Used to remove all supragingival
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Parodontologia Used to remove subgingival calculus.
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Parodontologia Interproximal. Its flat active part makes it suitable for the interproximal spaces and supra-gingival scaling. Its anatomical design enables fast and efficient use.
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Parodontologia Used to remove subgingival calculus.
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Hammaskiven poisto Used to remove light and medium supragingival calculus and bacterial plaque.
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Parodontologia Shallow. Slim round instrument suitable for scaling shallow pockets less than 2-3 mm deep.
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Xpedentin NSK-yhteensopiva GN-3 kärki hammaskiven poistoon. Used to remove calculus and bacterial plaque from supragingival interdental areas.
NSK-yhteensopiva – GN3-kärki
Parodontologia Diamond coated, used to smooth the surface of root during periodontal flap surgery.